Thursday, 3 September 2020


 So missed a month on the blog sorry. 

Been loosing my mind a little trying out different thing and being dragged down by covid similar to some otheres out there.

Any way as you can see i have been playing with photoshop to learn some new manipulation skills and recreating the avengers movie style dispersment effect on my self cause that is what i feel like a little.

Other than that, I have been eating and cooking more than i would usually creating new dishes that are simple like tuna-pasta-bake, which i enjoyed and i took me a few days to eat pretty big to eat all by myself but healthy and to make this more photographic i took some food making shoots as i did the cooking, bonus!!

Tasty, not really done much food shots before i am not one for istagramming my dinner before i eat it, this though was interesting but i may need to get some relfection help with the shot as this is all natural light so not bad from the kitchen window. On another not i made some dessert with a rhubarb-crumble having one rubbarb plant in the garden i have been able to make some nice crumbles my only slight issue i have is sweetness.

Oh yeah we have rasberries in the garden too, which being the house chef on this week i too the photo i though would be nice to add in. good shot?

following on with the food photography  when on to photo the other heath minded food we have and some blueberries.

so all this without any props and take on the fly would be nice to have some more props though i think make it look more stylish and have some depth any way after doing this i looked more into the food photography, seem interesting and worth checking out as we all eat, and keep the mind fresh and interested make food, prepare, style and shoot that food.

so finishing off the first show used an action for photoshop, which did the job but i had a go manually and this was my attempt all to show how i feel at the moment, business not working redbubble not selling. On way and up ward smile and stay in safe.

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